Color Correction
If you know your look/style then color correction is critical. With Fotofafa we start with your custom settings, workflows and custom presets like Visual Supply Co.’s VSCO FILM or Mastin Labs, and end with a perfect match to your style and taste.
Our process includes:-
Standard CC : Uses Lightroom sliders: Exposure, Contrast, Temperature only
Advanced CC : Uses all ‘Standard’ sliders and Clarity, Cropping, Highlight detail, Lens Profile Correction, Noise Reduction, Shadow detail, Sharpening, Straightening, Vibrancy
Custom CC : Uses all ‘Advanced’ sliders and Finish, Grain and Vignette.
- Standard CC = $0.10 /image
- Advanced CC = $0.14 /image
- Custom CC = $0.17 /image

Culling is always FREE with FotoFafa
Culling is all about selecting the best images from a shoot so they can be edited or delivered to a client. This can be a time consuming and monotonous process. Fotofafa wants to take the stress out of culling your images by offering an easy way to select the right images for FREE. Fotofafa’s process involves removing the duplicates, blurry, eyes closed, badly formatted images until we achieve the target image count.
Sometimes it's impossible to "get it right" in camera. Luckily, there are plenty of tools to make even the most incredible fixes possible. Unfortunately, they can often take a lot of time and a high level of experience. Whatever you are looking for, retouching focused on the face, body or background, we can help.
For a more detail review of the many retouching options click here
Album Design
Your wedding album is one of the most important aspects to you and your family. It will serve as a cherished heirloom for generations to come. The design process is extremely important, which is why we offer our custom service where you get to choose the style, you get infinite revisions and online proofing, all at no additional cost.
Design services are $1.50 /side and as an additional benefit users of our Album Design service will get a unique retouching service at 50% off that focuses on giving the bride and groom that extra clean but natural look.
Clean with a simple, high end look best describes Amore. Large images are best displayed in this template. All templates are customizable to your color, image and quotes needs.
A very modern take on wedding album design. Light textural prints highlight the background of this template. All templates are customizable to your color, image and quotes needs.

Personalized Workflow
Do you do things slightly differently or are looking for a company to manage all your post production workflow steps? Then setting up a personalized workflow is exactly what you need. Heres how you start:
1. Create a step by step editing guide along with any presets, actions
etc that you need us to do
2. Document your estimated volumes for each month
3. Send 5 images as layered PSD files with each layer named for the instructions being applied in the order they are applied.
4. Collect 5 before images for us to process
5. Email the above information with links to the images and presets/actions
6. We will review the workflow and return the 5 before images fully
retouched as per your workflow
7. Once the samples are approved, we will send you a price per image
8. If the price is approved, then we will setup a your personalized workflow code so you can place your orders in our ordering